Blog comes from the blending of the words “web log. It is actually a personal journal of an individual, group or organization published on the web. There are several blog hosting sites available in the web like,, and etc.

For a starter, there are five things you should find when you are considering to make a blog. This article would tell you the factors that would enable you to sustain a good blog.
  1. Niche
  2. Writing Skills
  3. Time
  4. Template
  5. Monetizing

1. Niche

It should all start at this point --- finding your niche. Which is actually referred as to the genre of the blog. Indeed, some of the bloggers out there blog for the need of their target readers, but for me, as much as possible seek it first for yourself, not for anyone else. You could ask yourself who, why ,and and what interests you. More or less, the field of interest you are to choose would reflect the way you actually spend your day.

Don't be much conscious with the niche you choose if it does not goes with the modern trend. Just remember this, even blogs about history are one of the most visited. All you need is to produce good blogposts about your niche and readers ... readers ...readers are to come.

2. Writing Skills
Second on the list is your writing skills. You need a little bit of the ink's help. If you find yourself not competent on this matter, consult an expert. Learn more and more techniques until you find yourself comfortable writing on your own.

Of course, the way you write depends with the niche you chose. Example, if your blog is about the best travel spots in Asia, then your articles somehow would be of a featured type. If you write about NBA news updates, your write-ups should be newsy in style.

But on top of all, we must admit that your reader's won't spend an hour reading your article, so keep in mind that you write for the “fast readers”. Two hundred to four hundred words would do as long as you deliver all your ideas concisely and completely.

3. Time

You might be wondering why time is included. I tell you, the first two months of your blogging is the best days of your blogging life and the rest will be boring if you don't invest and set aside “time for it.

Most of the blogs are being brought to nowhere especially when they are not properly maintained. No blogpost for a year plus no comments moderated resulting to zero updates. So you should be ready to fill one to two hours of your usual time schedule to update your blog.

4. Template

A good template attracts visitors and gives them the first impression to your blog. If they found your template with a huge picture of a car, they would expect a blogsite about cars of course. So, you need to have the best template you could have. Don't worry if you don't have knowledge about web designing, there's a lot of good, simple and eye catching templates available around the web, all you need is to browse – copy – save.

5. Monetizing

Monetizing is an optional consideration in blogging. Some just blog to share experiences, some blog for their schools, works and etc. But who in the world does not like money? In the long run, you will also be considering sourcing out dollars from your write-ups and you will find these interesting.

Chris Ducker, founder of Live2Sell Group of Companies said on a talk with Visayas Bloggers “At first, I saw blogging as money!” If you are really serious in sourcing out money in your blog, you've got to do a lot of research and questions from the experts but first, you need contents. A good money generating blog comes with high quality written articles. Traffic, back-up links and other matters are also to be considered to squeeze the money out of it.

Just keep updated til' i publish the next topic on How to Make your First Blog.